Skin and Aesthetics

The formula for youthful-looking skin starts with you having a good skin care habit. Using the right products can make a big difference in your complexion and help avoid signs of aging, like wrinkles.

Your skin is a living organ that changes over time, adjusting your care routine to accommodate these changes will help your skin stay healthy and looking its best. The skin is of utmost importance when people judge someone as beautiful and people spend a lot of money in attempts to regain their youthful appearance.

In Dr. PhysiQ, we offefr a wide range of skin care and glow programs focused on the use of Naturally proven techniques and technologies to achieve a health, glowing youthful skin.

skin care

Some of the steps we use in achieving your desired skin glow are:

  • Glow maker supplement
  • Natural oil face massage
  • Deep tissue spa and massage
  • Power of ozone for repair and regeneration
  • Secret skin glow meal plan
  • Skin IV nutrients

The Benefits of Healthy Skin Care Habits Include:

  • Prevent (or clear up) a blotchy complexion
  • Retain skin’s youthful firmness longer
  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Keep complexion looking brighter and younger
  • Avoid leathery skin
  • Reduce Skin cancer risk

In Dr. PhysiQ centre for wellness, our experts will help you achieve the health and flawless skin you dream of.

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